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    High speed Digital mixer Model GJ-3S
    The GJ-3S mixer is special-purpose experimental equipment in petroleum exploration and drilling field. Variable Speeds Range: 0-13,000 RPM Programmable Time:from 1 sec to 999 sec
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    Pressurizing Assembly, Three - Way Valve, Hole diameter 10 mm
    Pressurizing Assembly,Three - Way Valve,  Hole diameter 10 mm. The Pressurizing Three - Way Valve is designed to be used with Pressurized Aging Cells
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    Customized Aging Cell, High Temperature, 600°
    Aging Cells are available in many sizes: 260 mL, 500 mL, 800 mL and 1000 mL etc.  They are typically constructed of grade 303 or 316 stainless steel and are used for high temperature testing , certified for 600℉ (315℃) and 2500 psi (17,237 kPa).
    Besides those items above, we also produce customized aging cells requested by clients.
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    Aging Cell, Double Capped,500 mL, 316/304 Stainless Steel
    The Aging Cell, Double Capped, 500 mL, Type 316 / 304 stainless steel pressure vessel, certified for 600℉ (315℃) and 2500 psi (17,237 kPa)
    RIGCHINA aging cells are designed to be used with RIGCHINA Roller Oven. It be found in API 13B-1 and 13I.
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    Aging Cell, Hastalloy, 500mL, High Temperature, 600°
    The Aging Cell is Hastalloy pressure vessel, certified for 600℉ (315℃) and 2500 psi (17,237 kPa)
    For prolonged exposure to highly corrosive test fluids, cells constructed from premium metals, such as Hastalloy® or Inconel® 600 are available
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    Teflon Liner For Aging Cells
    Testing highly corrosive fluids at high temperatures and pressures can cause significant, permanent damage to typical stainless steel aging cells. The Teflon® Liner is designed to prevent corrosive damage while still providing the same results as a standard aging cell.
    RIGCHINA aging cells are designed to be used with RIGCHINA Roller Oven. It be found in API 13B-1 and 13I.
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    Aging Cell with Teflon Liner, 260mL, High Temperature, 600°
    The Aging Cell with Teflon Liner is a 500 ml, Type 316 / 304 stainless steel pressure vessel, certified for 600℉ (315℃) and 2500 psi (17,237 kPa)
    RIGCHINA aging cells are designed to be used with RIGCHINA Roller Oven. It be found in API 13B-1 and 13I.
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    Aging Cell, 316/304 SS, 260mL, High Temperature, 600°
    The Aging Cell with Teflon Liner is a 260 ml, Type 316 / 304 stainless steel pressure vessel, certified for 600℉ (315℃) and 2500 psi (17,237 kPa)
    RIGCHINA aging cells are designed to be used with RIGCHINA Roller Oven. It be found in API 13B-1 and 13I.
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    Aging Cell, 316/304 SS, 500mL, High Temperature, 600°
    The Aging Cell with Teflon Liner is a 500 ml, Type 316 / 304 stainless steel pressure vessel, certified for 600℉ (315℃) and 2500 psi (17,237 kPa)
    RIGCHINA aging cells are designed to be used with RIGCHINA Roller Oven. It be found in API 13B-1 and 13I.
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    Aging Cell with Teflon Liner, 500mL, High Temperature, 600°
    The Aging Cell with Teflon Liner is a 500 ml, Type 316 / 304 stainless steel pressure vessel, certified for 600℉ (315℃) and 2500 psi (17,237 kPa)
    RIGCHINA aging cells are designed to be used with RIGCHINA Roller Oven. It be found in API 13B-1 and 13I.
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    Portable Roller Oven Model RCRO-2
    Roller Ovens provide an excellent method of aging fluid samples for further analysis.
    Temperature Range:475℉ (246℃),Capacity 2 unit cells.
    Digital temperature controller and Protection against over-temperature.
    The primary tool for this aging is a roller oven.The time period needed to more fully develop properties in a drilling fluid varies from as little as several hours (usually 16 hours) to as long as several days. The aging can be done at either ambient or elevated temperatures.
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    Magnetic Stirrer Model MS-200
    The stirrer is ideal stir tool for laboratory uses.Adjustable heating temperature, stirring times and stirring speeds. Automatic hold setting temperature through incidental temperature probe. Maximum Stirring Volume: 2000mL , Stirring Speed: 0~2500rpm . Timer: 999 minutes