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    Portable Permeability Plug Apparatus Model FA-BX
    The Permeability Plugging Apparatus (PPA) is designed to provide accurate simulation and measurement of down-hole static filtration.
    Pressure rating: 5,000 psig (34,473 kPa)
    Temperature rating: 500°F (260°C)
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    2-Scale Mud Balance, Machined Arm, with Case, Model RCMB-7
    The Model RCMB Series Mud Balance provides a simple, practical method for accurate determination of fluid density.
    Measuring   Range (2 Scales): 0.8-13 1b/gal (0.1-1.5 gms/cm3)   Material: Stainless Steel   
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    Rig Laboratory Model RC-821
    Included in the Rig Laboratory are a mud balance, marsh funnel, measuring cup, filter press, Sand Content Kit, timer, and all the reagents and labware for performing chloride ion analysis.  All testing instruments are contained in a customized high-impact Stainless Steel carrying case. The case is durable, compact, and provides convenient storage.
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    Differential Sticking Tester Model DST-01
    Measures the Stuck Tendency Coefficient with the Timed Filtrate Test. Working Pressure: 477.5 psig (3,291 kPa).  
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    Centrifuges Manually Operated Model HC-2000
    This hand driven centrifuge is perfect for field use. The simple compact design eliminates complicated operation and assures years of dependable service.
    Centrifuge, Hand Crank, 2 Place Head and Shields for 15 mL Tubes
    Hand Driven – Max Speed is 2000 RPM.
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    Curing Chamber- Atmospheric Model RCCA- 2128
    Standard crush or non-destructive compressive-strength tests are performed on cement slurry samples under simulated downhole pressure and temperature conditions to determine the initial set time and the wait-on-cement (woc) time.
    Temperature:   up to 200℉ (93℃) Pressure   :Atmospheric
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    Portable Roller Oven Model RCRO-2
    Roller Ovens provide an excellent method of aging fluid samples for further analysis.
    Temperature Range:475℉ (246℃),Capacity 2 unit cells.
    Digital temperature controller and Protection against over-temperature.
    The primary tool for this aging is a roller oven.The time period needed to more fully develop properties in a drilling fluid varies from as little as several hours (usually 16 hours) to as long as several days. The aging can be done at either ambient or elevated temperatures.
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    Roller Oven, High Temperature 600°F, Model RCRO-4
    Roller Ovens provide an excellent method of aging fluid samples for further analysis.
    Temperature Range:600℉ (315℃),Capacity 4 unit cells.
    Digital temperature controller and Protection against over-temperature.
    The primary tool for this aging is a roller oven.The time period needed to more fully develop properties in a drilling fluid varies from as little as several hours (usually 16 hours) to as long as several days. The aging can be done at either ambient or elevated temperatures.
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    HPHT Filter Press Model HFP-42,Single Capped Cell for Filter Paper
    The HTHP Filter Press is designed to evaluate the filtration characteristics of drilling fluids, cement slurries, fracturing fluids, and completion fluids under elevated temperatures and pressures.
    Maximum   Temperature : 350℉ (177℃)
    175ml Single Capped   Cell for Filter Paper
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    Atmospheric Cement Consistometer Model RCA-1250
    The Atmospheric Consistometer is used for conditioning cement slurries as specified within API Specification 10. Determination of rheological properties, examination of free water content, and valuation of the API fluid loss test all require that the cement slurry be pre-conditioned by an Atmospheric Consistometer. 
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    Electric viscometer , Model RC-12D
    The Viscometer measures rheological properties of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. properties of the same material.API Tests Pre-programmed,12 presets (600,300,200,180,100,90,60,30,6,3,2,1)
    Push button design for easy operation and better control
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    Atmospheric Swell Meter Model ASM-01
    The Atmospheric Swell Meter (ASM) helps determine shale hydration or dehydration by measuring the increase or decrease in length over time of reconstituted or intact shale core. 
    Measuring Range:0-20mm Measuring Units 1 head